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We offer free, anonymous urine drug screenings for juveniles at our Mobile and Baldwin County offices. There is no cost for the test and no personal identifiers are collected.

Screens can provide a valuable PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION tool for parents and teens.

For more information or to schedule an appointment for a free drug screen:


​In Mobile County:

Call (251) 478-7855 to schedule an appointment or email




In Baldwin County:

Call our Baldwin County Coordinator Mike Cook  at

(251) 721-1451 to schedule an appointment or email


A parent or guardian MUST be present at the time of the screening.

Specimens are assigned a random number and

screened for the following types of drugs:


  • Nicotine

  • THC (Marijuana)

  • Cocaine

  • Opiates (pain killers like Percocet and Vicodin)

  • Methamphetamine

  • Amphetamine (stimulant drugs including ADD/ADHD medicines)

  • Methadone

  • Benzodiazepine (depressant drugs like Valium and Xanax)

  • Oxycodone (Oxycontin)

  • MDMA/Ecstasy

  • PCP


Parents can call the next day to check for screen results.

Please have your assigned number available when you call.

Please keep in mind that negative drug screens don't guarantee that your teen is not using drugs. It may mean that a particular drug is already out of their system or that it is too early after use for it to be detected in their urine.


YOU are the expert when it comes to knowing when there is something of concern going on with your child, regardless of drug screen results!

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